Katy Hebditch
Name: Katy Hebditch
Age: 28 (birthday on tour!)
Location: Kent, UK

Unconfident but determined plodder! First mountains tackled in Tenerife in same year, but that was only one in a day so how would I really cope with the Alps?!
This year I've been challenging myself to get out of my comfort zone, both personally and professionally. It's an amazing feeling to prove yourself wrong! Le Loop is simply a fantastic environment - with inspiring, supportive people, right from the get go. Huge thanks go to Emily & Kate for the numerous emails challenging my perceptions of failure, persuading me to take part and supporting me through a bit of a hectic 5 weeks of training! I chose to ride the Alps, due to work schedule and the prospect of champagne at the top of Alpe d'Huez on my birthday (now that's motivation!). However, as a solo woman, with little time for training (late sign up, London commuter blah blah) and very little experience in mountain climbs, I was pretty nervy. I put on a 11-40 cassette (Yes, it's possible!) for the Alps, and that was the best decision I could have made.. I spun up the mountains at my own snail pace, but kept going and enjoyed the view. It was perhaps one of the toughest things I’ve done physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Going on my own was the best thing I could have done for me, for my confidence, as it meant i was totally open to meet new people and have made some incredible friends (you’ve already got cycling in common!), yet could also take some time out on my own when I needed to have space or thinking time (plenty of that available on some of those climbs!). Remember, whatever you sign up for, it's your ride, your challenge, don't compare yourself to others. You can achieve SO much more than you think - don't be afraid to take a leap and see what happens. Kudos for even putting yourself out there and considering taking on a challenge! Above all, enjoy the ride and enjoy the view.
Katy Hebditch
Where are you now?
The Tour came at a pretty epic time for me – I was in between work travels and interviews for a new job (which also was a bit of a leap). I am pleased to say I got the job offer whilst on the Eurostar en route to the Alps! Le Loop has really changed my outlook and given me a new found confidence and zest for pushing my boundaries, and I’m now looking forwards to roughly planning some travel (with a bike!) for the next few months before the next big challenge starts.