Friday Featured Rider - Tara

Following on from our last Friday Featured Rider Simon, we’d like to introduce you to Canadian Tara who rode all 21 stages of the 2023 TDF Route. 

Tara’s a seriously strong rider and gives everyone a run for their money! But she also always has time to stop to appreciate the views and take selfies with all the friends she made on tour with a grin from ear to ear. She brought a sense of fun to the tour, as well as an irrefutable demonstration that women can be just as strong as the men. Chapeau Tara!!

Vive Le Tour!

Meet Tara Norton ...


AGE: 52

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada

Former professional Ironman athlete who LOVES to ride her bike (cycling is her favorite discipline in a triathlon). 

Tara has completed 25 Ironman distance races, 4 Ultraman World Championships and has cycled from Toronto to New York City. She also owns an indoor cycling studio in Toronto.

Tara's Rogues' Gallery
Tara's Rogues Gallery


Riding the ENTIRE TdF was an incredible experience! I love to ride long and push my own limits and Le Loop allowed me to do just that. It’s so well supported that all you have to focus on is enjoying the ride each day, and what is best is that you can ride with different groups of people or solo, depending on how you feel on the day. Some days I rode hard and some days I took it easier. Not only do you get super fit (even fitter than when you arrive) on Le Loop, but the scenery is incredible. I don’t think I had a single day where I wasn’t heard to be saying “oh my, this is so beautiful and life is good!”, and I also met the most amazing people!

For anyone thinking of signing up – do it.  With a bit of planning and dedication to your training you will be surprised what you can achieve. And you will be raising money to support some fantastic charities.

For first-timers riding this year, long back to back training rides each weekend will set you up for success. Doing these consistently will give you the fitness and endurance to enjoy your time in France. Once on tour, find some similarly paced riders and stick together. The kilometres tick down so much quicker when you are in a group, helped along by encouragement from fellow riders, a bit of drafting, and some good banter. Oh and whatever you have heard about the feed stops … they are better than you can ever imagine.


I am currently recovering from shoulder surgery and a few injuries but my plan is to do some gravel bike riding on my new gravel bike and hike the Dolomites this year. Future goals are to race the Ultraman World Championships again, and come back to Le Loop in 2025 🙂

Tara – you’re such a massive inspiration! Best of luck at the World Champs!

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