Route Blog Stage 16. Passy - Combloux. 22km

Between December and June, we’re going to blog, one stage at a time, about the 2023 Tour de France route. You’ll find stage descriptions for every stage on our Route page.

A short time trial stage in the Alps is a rare treat for the Tour de France and, coming straight after a rest day, gives us an extra chance to re-charge for what’s to come. This stage is only 22km for the pros and not much longer for us (we add a few kilometres in order to cycle in and out of the hotel) and we don’t need to rush.

You’ll have time to consider the amazing geology from the vantage point of St Gervais, the valley floor and then up to Combloux via the cote de Domancy.

Before you ask (!), this valley is made of Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary limestone cliffs which are visible in front of ice-capped granite, gneiss and schists of the Mont Blanc massif.

There have been seven periods of glaciation during the last 2.5 million years, the last one ending about 10,000 years ago. The effects of earlier glacial erosion can be seen on the mountainsides and the valleys we’ll ride past; cycles of freezing and thawing eventually loosen rocks, by widening fissures, and separating sediments. This process often results in rock falls, or land, slips, gradually reducing dramatic rock faces to gentle hills.

Close to our hotel is a winter-only tram station (the Tramway du Mont Blanc) which is actually a cog-wheel train and takes skiers up to 1794m above sea level between December and March.

St Gervais is only 12km from both the Italian border and Mt Blanc so you really are in the epicentre of the Alps here – three nights in the same hotel, under the summer stars is a great opportunity to soak it up and understand more than just the sporting side.

This stage is part of the following Loops: Second half,  Mountains Week & Grand Loop.

Don’t just watch it; Ride it!

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