NAME: Richard Lonsdale
AGE: 57
EXPERIENCE: Grand Looper, Haute Route, LeJog etc. and lover of cycling anywhere with beautiful views.
Q. The last 2 years have been tough for everyone, and everyone has coped in different ways. In terms of your cycling, were you more ON the bike or OFF?
Definitely on, the first year with no cars on the roads saw an explosion of people cycling and being nice to each other. People of all ages, shapes and sizes were out and about. I loved seeing whole families cycling, enjoying their new freedom of being safe on UK roads.
Q. If ON, what was it that motivated you?
My desire to stay fit and friends encouraging me to keep riding and being supportive. The Le Loop community has been amazing and I love the continued banter, laughter, camaraderie and support everyone receives in the chat groups. Never before have I had such ongoing support and bonding with people after a sports event. I wish I could ride with them every week. As there was no Le Loop I set another challenge of LeJog mountain challenge in the summer and used that as an incentive to keep getting out and doing the miles!
Q. If OFF, how have you managed to turn that around?
I had a few off times but the call of the bicycle always came back and the stories from other loopers.
Q. How has cycling helped you over the past 2 years?
Cycling saves me on a regular basis. I struggle with my mental health and getting out resets my view on the world. A Sunday morning ride with friends in the sunshine cleanses the soul! Sitting in a home office away from family and friends was tough but the knowledge that at the end of every week my bike was waiting for me kept me going.
Q. Have your cycling goals changed over the last 2 years?
The physical goals remain the same…”it never gets easier you just go faster”… but mentally I have been kinder to myself and tried to not sweat the small stuff or over analyse data. “Be more Eric” would be the best way to put it! (Ed: Eric is one of our regular Alumni riders – he has a laisez-faire attitude to life that we could all aspire to!).
Q. What are you most looking forward to/hoping to gain from riding Le Loop this summer?
Raise money for the WWMT first and foremost, it is such a good cause and the ways things are at the moment, we need to help people more than ever. I’m also excited to see everyone and become part of the extended family again. Yes, I love the mountains and the views but it’s the mini adventures you have on the way that draws me in every time. I think I laugh more when I am on Le Loop than any other time which considering you spend half the time hurting might be a surprise to non Loopers.
Q. Anything else you’d like to add
A big shout out to Le Loop. Throughout this you always make the right call in the toughest of times for event organisers. I know from meeting you that you live and breathe this so not being able to put on the event most be so difficult yet you have remained positive and upbeat throughout. I hope we never have to go through these last two years again but if we do then I also know that the thing that will keep me going will be the thought of the next Loop.
Thanks for such great feedback Richard (blushing). Have a superb tour this summer!
Allez! Allez!