2019 Rider John Griffiths managed to get along to the Lewisham Youth Theatre’s Annual Review last week. Huge thanks to John for this great report. If you want to visit one of the charities receiving a grant from WWMT, get in touch with Kate.
What a great set up the LYT is! Catering for people from the age of 4 to 24, there are numerous age groups for aspiring actors but also opportunities for others who enjoy the technical side of things. So whether someone is into acting, props, make up, sound or lighting, there are many ways for young people to learn and develop new skills. Many spoke during the evening of the confidence that being part of LYT gave them and that was evident from the way they gave their short reports on what they have been up to during the year.
During the Annual Review, some of the groups showcased the great talent that they have by performing scenes from plays they had put on during the year, such as “Twelve”, a modern take on Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”. It left me wishing I could have seen more. As it was, and to put it into cycling terms, it was a bit like only getting to ride the middle section of the Tourmalet, so a bit of a tease!
These are young people whose talent may have gone undiscovered and their potential unfulfilled were it not for the funding that organisations such as WWMT provides, so it’s great that by thrashing ourselves around France we can play our part in that. Last night I may have met the stars of tomorrow. One thing is for certain – they did not meet a future Tour de France winner, though I do like the look of the 2019 route that was released the same day!
If you’d like to visit one of the charities supported by WWMT, there will be other charity visits arranged over the winter months. If you want to visit a specific charity and those group visits don’t fit, just drop Kate a line to arrange.