A note on speed

Our approach…

Le Loop is known for its camaraderie and inclusiveness and we strongly believe that there’s a Loop for everyone. Cyclists will always be supported as far as safety and daylight hours allow (cut-off times are rare and only when logistics or safety require them). However, there is a speed and a level of training required for some of the longer Loops and the Grand Loop because we have limited space in our support vehicles and this event is not designed for cyclists who cannot complete full stages (See below for e-bike and non-standard bike info).

We need to be clear about how tough the Tour can be in order to help you pick the right challenge and we may request evidence (especially from alumni who have struggled previously) that your training is on track…

The Grand Loop…

You should be able to complete 200km stages with 2500m of climbing in under 10hrs (including stops). Assuming a total of 90 mins stopping, this equates to an average cycling speed of 23.5 km/h (14 m/h) or faster, day after day over relatively hilly terrain.

On a mountain stage of 180km with 4500m of climbing, we expect Grand Loopers to take between 8 and 12 hours, including stops. Assuming a total of 90 mins stopping, this equates to an average cycling speed of 17km/h (10.5 m/h) or faster.

If in any doubt, please get in touch to discuss. Or consider joining us for a shorter Loop with a view to completing the Grand Loop once you have tested yourself over 3 to 5 stages.

Whilst we have back up vehicles for injured or exhausted cyclists, this is intended as just that: a back-up plan should something go wrong. If there is a reason why you cannot complete one or two stages (injury, illness, one-off extreme fatigue), we will of course help you and offer you space in a support vehicle. But if you are not able to cycle full stages without medical or equivalent reason, we will either ask you to swap to a shorter Loop (eg. Alps or Pyrenees Lite) or we will have to ask you to take public transport or find alternative arrangements to travel between stage starts and finishes.

If in doubt, please see below for our more manageable Loop options and use that as training for the Grand Loop at some point in the future.

First Half, Second Half, Mountains Week…

As with the Grand Loop, these Loops are extremely testing. You should be able to complete full stages which will sometimes involve over 10hrs cycling and we would not expect you to need to take the Lite options in the Alps or Pyrenees.

For advice on average speeds, please see the guidelines above for the Grand Loop.

Alps, Pyrenees, Alps Lite, Pyrenees Lite…

The Tour de France mountain stages are extremely tough and completing back to back mountain stages is something that requires commitment and training. However, we are not all equal: in time available to train, experience, natural ability or desire for the toughest challenge. Which is why we have our Lite options…

If you sign up for the Alps or Pyrenees, you will be given the option to cycle the full stage or the shortened, ‘lite’ version. We usually take numbers the night before, giving you plenty of flexibility should you wish to go long or short.

Please, please avoid the temptation to view the Lite options as a weaker challenge: they are not! The extra transfers or short-cuts serve simply to open up the Tour de France to more people, encourage more diverse groups to join us, or offer an alternative to people who would like a really great day of Tour riding, rather than an overly-epic day which leaves them broken.

As a rough guide, a cyclist who can complete an undulating 100 km sportive in 5hrs or less in March and a hilly 100 km sportive in 5hrs or less in late April/early May will be well placed to join us in France.

Middle Mountains, Tour de France Adventure, Grand Depart…

The variety of the Tour de France route each year means that there can be quite a variation in the difficulty and length of stage within these options. Please see the Loop descriptions for more information and get in touch if in any doubt about your ability to take part.

Often the Mountains Lite Loops can be more manageable than the longer stages involved in other Loops. And sometimes morning transfers, hotel changes and other logistical variations can affect how difficult a Loop feels. So don’t be put off by the climbing involved in the mountains – with training and commitment, we believe that there really is a Loop for everyone and we’re always happy to discuss your options with you.

Ebikes and non-standard bikes

We do not accept cyclists with e-bikes or non-standard bikes on Le Loop without prior discussion and agreement. Each year we nominate one Loop for e-bike participation and anyone is welcome to join us with an e-bike for that Loop (this is unlikely to be a mountain Loop as the lite mountain options are designed for those who would like a shortened, more manageable version of the challenge).

Anyone who would like to ride an e-bike or non-standard bike should contact Sarah and participation will be at our discretion and only with our agreement.

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