Route Rumours 2025

The Overview

The route of the 2025 Tour de France won’t be announced until the 29th October (and we’ll be there in Paris for the big reveal). However, we’ve been around long enough to put 2 and 2 together (from official and unofficial channels) and make some educated guesses. So here goes for our 2025 (completely guessed) highlights!…
1. VENTOUX: If the 2025 Tour doesn’t go up Mt Ventoux next summer, we’ll eat our chapeau. It featured 5 times between 2000 and 2016 but not since so we’re well overdue a visit. When Ventoux features, it’s a double-treat because firstly, we get a really fun, bucket list climb and secondly, we’re guaranteed at least a couple of Provencal stages… sunflowers, lavender, sunshine!
2. D DAY BEACHES: We know what’s happening on stage 10 (see 3. below) so we’re pretty confident that between the Grand Depart stages in the north east we’ll head west via the D Day beaches. These stages will be marked by gorgeous coastline, quiet not-too-hilly routes, plenty of pretty little Normandy villages and the obvious historical significance of passing many 2nd World War hisorical sites in 2025, the 80th anniversary of VE Day.
3. MUR DE BRETAGNE: There’s always a big stage on the 14th July (French Bastille Day) which falls on a Monday. So this means the first rest day will be moved to a Tuesday rather than a Monday and stage 10, unusually falling before the rest day, will need to be special. And what better way to celebrate cycling culture, Brittany as a cycling mecca and a 100% French Tour than the Mur de Bretagne?! We know the Mur de Bretagne will feature in 2025… the only question is whether we’ll go up once or twice?!
4. We’re slightly less willing to call the Pyrenean and Alpine stages yet – although Bourg d’Oisans (the town at the bottom of Alpe d’Huez) and Superbagneres (near Bagneres de Luchon) have both written cryptic teaser-tweets so the odds are on there.

So… here’s our 2025 TDF line up - keep your fingers crossed and see you there:

Lille Grand Depart
D Day beaches stages for history and coastlines
Quick trip through the Loire Valley for some Chateau gazing
2 Brittany stages culiminating in the Mur de Bretagne
REST DAY 1 in Toulouse
Straight south from Toulouse, heading to the Pyrenees
Superbagneres, Port de Bales
Ax 3 Domaines stage deep into the Pyrenees
Provence traverse 
Mt Ventoux 
REST DAY 2 in Provence
4 Alpine stages ticking off some Tour classics as well as…
At least 2 new Alpine climbs that haven’t been in the Tour before
An Alpine Time Trial
Now we just have just under 3 months to see how close we are… we’ll update this blog a couple of times as and when we hear new rumours…
Don’t just watch it; Ride it!
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