2019 Route Rumours – Rest days are Key!

As well as wanting to know where we’re cycling next summer, a small part of our excitement should be reserved for rest days because this is where many of you will arrive and depart – and where the Grand Loopers will be heading to the laundrette!

So imagine our delight to have scoured the rumour blogs and discovered that the first rest day will be north east of Toulouse, and likely in Albi, one of the lovliest Tour Towns with a fast flowing river lined with brightly coloured houses and a town square packed with cafes for those necessary rest day ice cream stops!

The second rest day (after we’ve puffed our way through the Pyrenees) looks likely to be in Provence. Woohoo! That means your laundrette could have a view of the Roman arena in Nimes and your icecream will almost certainly be under the parasol of a cafe terrasse with the whif of laveder in the air.

Lucky us!

Don’t Just Watch it … Ride it!


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