2023 Fundraising Grand Total!

We couldn’t be more excited to announce that our 2023 cyclists have raised a record-breaking £551,669!!!

This is significantly more than a our best ever fundraising year previously and just as remarkable, it pushes the total raised by Le Loop since its inception in 2006 to over £5 million! The whole team here at Le Loop and WWMT are incredibly proud of everything we have all achieved together and we hope that all our riders are too. Thank you so much for making all this possible.

The charities that we support through the William Wates Memorial Trust offer young people a safe haven, life skills, a network of people who care, mentoring, physical and emotional well-being and the opportunity to fulfill their potential – things that most of us take for granted.

Meet James

A perfect example is James (L) who, at 16 years old, joined us on Le Loop this summer as one of our Charity Visitors on Tour, with his mentor Christian (R) from the Star Scheme charity.

James had never left the UK before but he joined us in France to cycle 100km with us and then share his personal story with over 100 of our cyclists. He told of the abuse he’d suffered from his dad and how he ended up withdrawing from his family, friends and education. Things were not looking good for him.

Luckily for James, he was taken on by The Star Scheme who work with rugby clubs to help young people like James to get back on their feet and thrive. They worked tirelessly with James and he’s now a confident, bright young man, playing for Bristol Bears rugby, and able to look forward to a very positive future. 

All our riders should feel very proud that our epic rides over the years have helped young people like James get an opportunity for a fair go in life. Thank you as ever for your support. 

"To raise £551,669 and smash our fundraising record out of the park is a huge achievement and a wonderful headline but, of course , there is so much more to it than that. The funds you have raised will materially change the lives of the most disadvantaged young people in the UK. Alongside your incredible achievements on the bike this is what you should be most proud of. We can't thank you enough for being the dream team on every level. What a year 2023 has been! Chapeau to you all".

Want to be a part of it?

Join us for the 2024 ride.

Help youngsters realise their dreams, while you realise yours! Want to talk to us about how to go about fundraising with Le Loop? Drop Kate a line. We’ve got masses of experience, ideas and support to help you raise as much as possible for these young kids who need it so badly.

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